COVID-19 testing, Open burning, PIT Homeless Count, and More

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you, family and neighbors healthy and enjoying this new year.

Like you, I'm supremely frustrated that we're not past this pandemic. I've known many who've been exposed, quarantined and gotten ill from this disease. I've lost two friends. If you've lost someone, my condolences.

Despite all of the bad news, there is some brightness on the horizon. Although the current COVID-19 Omicron variant is more contagious, reports illustrate that it may cause less debilitating illness and hospitalization, especially in vaccinated individuals. I know this is hardly any consolation to those who have been hospitalized or the brave, tireless healthcare workers and first responders attending to them. Thanks all for your heroic duty!

Fortunately, this year our area is in a much better situation on a public health front to battle this virus. We have tools, like vaccines, to combat variants and keep ourselves and those we love protected against severe illness. The Lake County Health Department (based on CDC data) tells me that almost 79% of eligible residents (age 5 and above) are fully vaccinated. All told, more than 1 million vaccine doses have been administered in Lake County. You can get a shot and booster at most pharmacies and health clinics. And -- the best news yet -- some 98% who are infected recover. Our county's vaccination rate is one of the highest in the state.

Where are we at now? We're trying to get everyone who qualifies a shot and a booster. COVID-19 booster shots are now available for those 12 and younger. COVID-19 tests, which have been in short supply, are coming our way. You can also get tested at the State Run Community Based Testing Site on Water Street in Waukegan.

What about those COVID-19 testing sites across the county? They vary in quality and turnaround time. The most reliable COVID-19 test, according to Mark Pfister, Executive Director of the Lake County Health Department, is a diagnostic lab test known as a PCR test. Results from PCR typically take a few days to return, but may take longer during a surge. Other tests, like at-home or antigen tests, return results as quickly as 15 minutes, but may not be as reliable. The Health Department reminds everyone to be careful with choosing a testing site.

"When you get tested, try to choose a reputable site, like one of the State Run Community Based testing locations," Executive Director Pfister said. "These sites are reliable and run by the Illinois Department of Public Health. We have a State-Run site on Water Street in Waukegan and another one nearby at the Arlington Heights Race Track in Arlington Heights."

If you are unsure if the testing site you are at is legitimate, keep the following things in mind:

  • You should never should be asked to only pay in cash for a COVID-19 test. While the test itself is free, a site may charge for administering the test or expediting the test analysis. Many sites including State-Run sites offer tests free of charge.

  • Testing site staff should be masked, wearing gloves and other protective equipment like face shields if they perform the test on you. If it doesn’t appear that they are following these precautions, you might want to consider another provider. Also ask them what lab will analyze your test and what is their current turnaround time?

Although many testing sites are legitimate, if you want to be on the safe side, go to a state-sponsored facility. View the testing facilities.

Forest Preserve News

All of our trails and preserves are open, including our sledding hill at Lakewood. I was out at Rollins Savanna the other day and saw some happy "fat tire" bikers, who were enjoying the Millennium Trail.

Also note that our Ansel Adams exhibit at the Dunn Museum is still on. It's a terrific show featuring his early work. 

As always, it's my honor to serve you. If you would like me to speak before your community group, I'm happy to do so.

If you have an immediate need for any county services, please call 2-1-1.

Be well!


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John Wasik - Lake County Board (District 6)

John is committed to fair taxes, sustainable transportation and conserving the natural environment of Lake County, including air quality, water quality, and stormwater management. In addition to being County Board Member for District 6 and County Board Legislative Chair, John is Vice President of the Lake County Forest Preserve District and Board Member of its Preservation Foundation.

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